We are SEANF
Southeast Asia National Human Rights Institution Forum (SEANF) initially was established through the signing of the Declaration of Cooperation in Bali, Indonesia on June 28, 2007 which was signed by four human rights institutions, namely Indonesia (Komnas HAM), Malaysia (SUHAKAM), the Philippines (CHRP), and Thailand (NHRCT) which called as ASEAN Four NHRIs. The Forum held the 4th ASEAN Consultative Meeting Meeting in Manila, Philippines in 2008 and officially agreed to use the name ASEAN NHRI Forum. ASEAN Four NHRIs became the forerunners of SEANF.

In its sixth year, the National Human Rights Institution Forum (NHRI) held a meeting in November 2009 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. This forum agreed to change the name from the ASEAN NHRI Forum to SEANF. SEANF aims to organize its members as an institution for the protection, promotion, and fulfillment of effective human rights for communities in the South East Asian region.
The implementation of SEANF refers to the SEANF Rules of Procedures (RoP), which was the last amendment approved on November 10, 2017 at the 14th Annual Meeting in Manila. SEANF’s work also refers to the 2012-2016 Strategic Planning and relies on the 2017-2021 Strategic Planning. The meeting mechanism to discuss SEANF activities is discussed in two technical meetings (Technical Working Group) and one annual meeting (Annual Meeting). Moreover, SEANF can hold special meetings or additional meetings to discuss important issues.
SEANF is an unique organization with a special character since having the mandate to promote, protect and fulfill human rights effectively in the Southeast Asia region. However, describing the RoP of SEANF, each national human rights has independence (member independence), so SEANF will not regulate the authority, scope of work, and function of these institutions.
SEANF membership now consists of six national human rights institutions, namely: the National Commission on Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia (Komnas HAM RI), the Suruhanjaya Human Rights of Malaysia (SUHAKAM), the Commission on Human Rights of the Republic of Philippines (CHRP), National Human Rights Commission of Thailand (NHRCT), Myanmar National Human Rights Commission (MNHRC), and Provedoria dos Direitos Humanos e Justica (PDHJ) of Timor Leste.
As the regional NHRI network, SEANF plays an important role in protecting and promoting human rights in South East Asia. Working under a cooperative framework, SEANF members carry out joint projects or activities to discuss issues of common concern, such as human trafficking, migrant workers, statelessness, business and human rights, persons with disabilities, corruption.
To strengthen and to expand the networking, SEANF has been continuing to encourage the governments of each country in South East Asia to build independent human rights institutions. SEANF collaborates with the Asia Pacific Forum (APF), the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institution (GANHRI) which was formerly known as ICC, Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights (OHCHR), and other human rights organizations to further promote and protect human rights at the national, regional and international levels.
SEANF’s Vision
To work as a regional institution to ensure the promotion, protection and fulfillment of human rights in Southeast Asia.
SEANF’s Mission
To work as a regional institution to ensure the promotion, protection and fulfillment of human rights in Southeast Asia.
SEANF’s Objectives
To work as a regional institution to ensure the promotion, protection and fulfillment of human rights in Southeast Asia.