+66-2141-3800, +66-2141-3900
NHRCT Thailand
The National Human Rights Commission of Thailand was established for the first time under the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand B.E. 2540 (1997) as a result of the public’s driving force and demand for an independent mechanism to promote and protect rights and liberties of people.
The Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand B.E. 2560 (2017) and the organic Act on National Human Rights Commission, B.E. 2560 (2017) prescribe that the Commission shall consist of seven Commission appointed by the King upon the advice of the Senate. They shall hold office for a term of seven years as from the date of appointment by the King.
Core mandates:
- Human rights protection
To examine and report facts in cases of human rights violations, then provide advice to public or private agencies involved in preventing or correcting human rights violations, including remedial measures for the affected person. - Human rights promotion
To promote awareness of human rights importance for all sectors in the society. - Recommendations provided for related organizations, the government, and the parliament
To provide advice to relevant agencies, the government, and parliament to promote and protect human rights, including amendments to laws, rules, regulations, or orders to comply with human rights principles. - Assessment of the Human rights situations
To prepare a human rights situation assessment report for submission to the parliament and the cabinet, and dissemination to the general public.
To explain and report correct facts without delay where there is an incorrect or unfair report on the human rights situations.