SEANF issued a resolution to protect the migrants amid covid-19

DILI, 10 december, 2020 (TATOLI) – The Forum of National Human Rights Institutions of Southeast Asia (SEANF) issued, the framework of resolution to protect the migrants amid COVID-19.
The resolution was issued during the videoconference of the six countries, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand and Timor-Leste.
The President for Human Rights and Justice (PDHJ) of Timor-Leste, Jesuína Maria Ferreira Gomes, recalled that SEANF members addressed, the situation of immigrants with regard to public health, especially the pandemic of the covid-19, by defending the need for all the members of the State and to guarantee medical care to these citizens.
“We made several contributions on the document, since we had also participated in a SEANF technical meeting,” Jesuína Maria Ferreira Gomes to Tatoli, at her office, Caicoli Dili.
Ms Gomes said said that the forum requires the entire medical treatments linked to covid-19 must be equal and without discrimination for all citizens, regardless of nationality.
“Although Timor-Leste has not yet become a permanent member of ASEAN, the country had a lot of experiences related to Human Rights, and already participated in the human rights festival as well as sharing the information about the issue with the country members of all entities,” she explained.
The role of SEANF is important in the protection and promotion of the human rights, promoting various activities that allow dealing with issues related to human trafficking, migrant workers, corruption in the Southeast Asia.
It is recalled that SEANF was Stablished in 2004 by four countries Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand. While Timor-Leste and Myanmar have become the permanent members of SEANF in 2012.