Komnas HAM RI held 17th Annual Conference of The South East Asia National Human Rights Institutions Forum (SEANF)

Komnas HAM RI held 17th Annual Conference of The South East Asia National Human Rights Institutions Forum (SEANF) on 24th -26th November 2020. Various developments and work of national human rights institutions (NHRIs) forum members from six countries in South East Asia are presented as a form of contribution in the midst of the crisis due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
SEANF Chairperson Ahmad Taufan Damanik said, NHRIs’ roles are very urgent. Any obstacles have not decreased the responsibilities for protecting and promoting the human rights aspects.
“Human rights situation recently has became democrazy issue that tends to be marginalized. It will be a tool to reach two issues, such as economy recovery and public safety in pandemic time,” said Taufan.
He also encouraged all SEANF members to increase their roles in protecting and advancing human rights in their respective countries. Each members reviewed human rights development in their countries. They discussed Guidelines for the Use of SEANF Social Media Platform, the progress of SEANF website, SEANF’s Guidelines on Torture Prevenetion, and the progress on establishment of SEANF Permanent Secretariat.
Komnas HAM as the SEANF Chair held international webinar themed “National and International Initiatives on Torture Prevention” and Online Dialogue on Statelessness Issue in Sabah.